Altru Ideas

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Adding graphics to web forms/more design flexibility on web forms


I would like to ability to add additional graphics to web forms. For example, for a scheduled program, I would like to be able to add a photo of a speaker, or for a benefit event, I would like to be able to add the event identity/type treatment to the webform for consistency of branding.

This seems like it can be an easy feature to add because when I go to edit/add the program description, there is an html button already there, which seems to indicate that I should be able to add any type of coding, but when I go to add an image, it rejects the code.

Is there any way to have more flexibility here and add images?

Thanks for your help!
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Nick Gaffney commented
    July 05, 2024 18:23

    I would really like the ability to do this.

    If it's not going to happen, at the very least could someone from Blackbaud mark this as "Will not implement." That'd at least be an answer. *sign*

  • Melissa Wersinger commented
    October 11, 2022 18:47

    CAN THIS BE ADDRESSED AGAIN! It would be such an easy thing to add! We want to add a picture to the web form so the registrant can see what they want and pick it from a pull down option. the way it's set now, It's put on the top of every registration question. We just want to be able to add it under the header.

  • Nick Gaffney commented
    October 30, 2021 17:43

    This idea was originally suggested in 2016(!). But it hasn't been implemented yet? Adding images to a web page seems like a no-brainer. The <img> tag has existed since...the early 90s? It's frustrating and embarrassing that I can't add images to pages for classes I'm trying to promote.

  • Breanne Leach commented
    April 20, 2021 18:55

    Especially given that we don't have access to write helper text or even adjust the language of all text fields, this would be so helpful to create "how to" register visuals for guests (such as in Spanish or "apply to all" for parents filling out camp forms).

  • Emily Dunkin commented
    August 19, 2019 17:33

    PLEASE make modifying the web forms easier! Most of the time the formatting you see in the web forms description editor is not the same why is shows up on the web form. It is very difficult to make the descriptions visually presentable when they can't be modified easily. You need to be able to write code to make the formatting work properly.  We would also like to be able to post pictures/logos, etc. in our webforms. 

  • Erick Marklund commented
    March 14, 2018 16:29

    Our organization would really like to be able to further customize event registration pages and the shopping cart. ALTRU is a wonderful tool, but the lack of web form customizability is a MAJOR weakness.

  • Matthew Roberts commented
    March 05, 2018 18:20

    Please make this a feature for Web Forms! I just want to host the images on our web server and I can't event do that. What is crazy is that you can see the image in the WYSIWYG editor in Altru. But you get an error saying the Description may not contain the element IMG.

  • Guest commented
    August 14, 2017 19:25

    this would be incredibly valuable for our organization!  this is the kind of customization that would make Altru a richer product...

  • Felice Herman commented
    August 09, 2017 19:17

    This option absolutely needs to be available. Just watched a BB webinar about how our webpages need to be visually engaging and responsive. How are we supposed to do that we have such little control over our own giving pages?? Give us some places to put pictures at the top at least!!

  • Mary-Michael Wachur commented
    August 09, 2017 18:48

    The entire development staff and marketing staff at my organization STRONGLY support this plan!  Other organizations have this capacity and it puts us at a disadvantage. The sooner the better! Thank you!!

  • Guest commented
    May 20, 2016 14:20

    Our marketing crew would love this! Right now, they have to put all of the information on a separate page instead of the webform. If it could be all in one, that would be great! 

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