Altru Ideas

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Ability to change an Altru User name

Hi, my last name has changed and I want to change my username in Altru. I've updated my e-mail and login, but my reports still all have my old last name. Thanks!
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  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Jillian Lewis commented
    July 02, 2018 17:38

    With Single Sign-On/Blackbaud ID, Altru should now display the name associated with your account (instead of showing a username like it did in the past). You can  follow these steps at any time to edit/update personal details associated with your Blackbaud ID.

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