Altru Ideas

Recording surveys in Altru

I am prepping to send a survey to our 5,000 lapsed members to find out why they didn't renew and would like to know if the survey tab under constituent can be utilized for this. I am including a finder# and the lookupID on each survey in hopes that this can be entered when returned to us.  It would really help with understanding the particular needs of our constituents.  Does anyone know if this is even possible?  This is not a front desk/marketing survey.

  • Guest
  • Feb 4 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 31, 2016 15:33

     HI Courtney,

    I was thinking it would save me the steps of having to go in and enter every constituent that actually responded to the survey manually.  But since I'll have to go into each one of them to scan their returned survey into their record, what's one more step, right? 

  • Courtney Grainger commented
    March 31, 2016 13:20

    Hi Lisa,

    How do you want to use the information that results from the survey? That may give us some guidance to how we can incorporate into the record. 

