Altru Ideas

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Select which household members new household information should copy to

When adding information on a household record, it would be great if we could choose which household members to copy to. For example, I want one spouses business contact information to be on their constituent record and the household record, but not on the other spouses record. My options are to:

1) Add it to the household record, copy to members, and then go and delete the information from the constituent whose record does not need it.


2) Add it to the individual constituent, uncheck copy to members, add then add again on the household record unchecking the copy to household members box. So it's double entry and the addresses are not linked. So anyu edits or changes will have to be done twice.

  • Guest
  • Feb 5 2016
  • Feb 18, 2016

    Admin response

    We are not currently making modifications to the data entry portal but will continue to investigate ways to streamline the user experience.

  • Attach files
  • Kent Henderson commented
    August 27, 2018 20:49

    Phone numbers and email addresses most often belong to a specific person, please consider creating a configuration option to change the default from yet to no for "copy phone number to household and members" and "copy email address to household and members".

  • Emily Dunkin commented
    May 18, 2018 19:57

    I agree with Laura!  We do not want spouses to have each other's email addresses on their record but we want the household record to be updated with the most recent contact information.  Please create 2 different check boxes "Copy to household" &  "Copy to members in the household."  I feel like this is a HUGE flaw in the system!  

  • Laura Schmid commented
    September 30, 2016 17:35

    We struggle with the copy to household and all members of household button because we don't always want all info to copy to all members of household. Especially when it comes to email addresses. Why would I want someone's email address copied to all other people on household but I am fine with it copying to household record. Can't you break this box into two options?

  • Guest commented
    April 14, 2016 23:36

    on a similar note, we struggle with adding multiple people to a household through Daily Sales. You can "add to a household" which copies the new constituent to the existing household, but does not copy household info back to the new constituent. It would be helpful if it was a two way street