Altru Ideas

Add ability to add a donation to the fundraising event for those who can't sponsor or attend

When we send out invitations to sponsor or attend an event, often the constituent is unable to attend, but rather sends a donation. While a donation can be added straight to the designation, it would be great to have those donations show up on event reports. It also provides a more accurate reflection of the constituent's level of participation in the fundraising event. Rather than the constituent's status being "no reply" on the registrations page, it could read "donated", or something like that.

I envision this being an option when you click on the green chevron next to a constituent on the registrations tab of the fundraising event. Perhaps a "donate" button next to "register" and give the person the option not to attend, so it doesn't affect numbers.

It would also be great to have this donation option available on webforms.

  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Reviewed
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  • Katie Brandon commented
    November 04, 2019 23:20

    Yes, we also want to be able to better track donations in lieu of attending.

  • +8