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There is no report to see what actual code a person used! There is a summary but not the actual code used in the transaction!!!
Customer references | Space Foundation |
For the love of god this is so basic. How dare Altru not include this function.
Please add this - we run fall promotions every year and give out coupons and other promotional items based on codes.
YES! Most of our tickets are sold online and the Scheduled Event Ticket Detail is printed per event. This doesn't show discount codes which is detrimental to our organization because our staff doesn't know when to collect coupons, certificates, etc. If it was added to this report, we could see the constituent's name, membership status, the amount of tickets purchased, ticket types and if the order is paid.
Especially if you are an institution that uses multiple promotions and codes at any given time, knowing which code is used would additionally help any fiscal/accounting department in your organization as well.