Altru Ideas

Promo Code on Constituent Revenue

Please add a place on the constituent revenue that will show the reason for their discount (promo code). Currently, if someone looks and says "how come they only got charged $60 instead of $75" we have to run a query to find out. It would make more sense to have it show up in the individual constituent's revenue (where we entered it in the first place.)

  • T. Rash
  • Mar 15 2018
  • Attach files
  • Sarah Andrews commented
    December 05, 2022 13:51

    The promo used needs to show on the payment record. Even better would be the ability to edit the code used.

    There is no way for me to know if a constituent's promo was omitted or incorrectly added except to run a query. And after identifying an error, there is no way for me to fix it. If a member was given the wrong promo, it's there forever! (Yes, I know that if it was a backend payment, I can delete it and start over - but that's a pain and not viable if a credit card was used. Do you really want me to call the member and say we messed up your purchase and need you to give us credit info again? )