Altru Ideas

Add granularity to low-level system roles

We need the ability to give low-level users more permissions without making them managers. For example: Ticket seller + merchandise sales + edit name/phone/email/address on constituent record. This is currently not possible without making them a manger. Please see this discussion: "Custom System Roles?"

  • Vicki Cotton
  • Mar 27 2019
Customer references Laura Bandt, Cristin Salvador, J Kiku Landford McDonald
  • Attach files
  • Bill Carey commented
    October 24, 2019 21:18

    Granularity is desperately needed around Delete functionality. Case in point, we had a temp in Accounting delete a post to GL process not once, but twice! In most CRMs we would have been able to grant her permission to run the process but not edit or delete it - but alas, not in Altru!

  • Melissa Maney commented
    September 28, 2019 00:07

    Our staff get confused with too many options and areas for them to get into and have accidentally sold things through back office without ever meaning to.

  • Kathleen Shipley commented
    September 04, 2019 23:24

    All of our staff have way more system roles then they really should.

  • Gary Rohrer commented
    April 25, 2019 15:52

    This is needed badly!  I have over 60 users and the basic roles do not fit their needs.  We have so many hands in the cookie jar that something bad will happen to our data