Altru Ideas

Simplify Registration - Skip Payment Webform for Free Events

The payment webform requires mailing address and this leads to a cumbersome program registration process. Specifically, we run many free events where we simply want to collect name & email but are hamstrung by the payment webform. If free events could have the option to skip the payment webform, a simple registration process would be possible.

To add more background, this is a feature that would help to broaden our constituent base. The current Altru registration form (and payment form) creates a barrier to entry and discourages our patrons from registering, and our staff shies away from the complexity. As a result, we capture far fewer names and emails than we would like... and these are the key individuals that we would like to entice as new members and donors.

If we had a simple registration form, we could more effectively reach new constituents through our tabling events, outreach, volunteer programs, intro tours, lobby visitors, trail walkers, etc. Thank you for considering!

  • Alison Long
  • Jun 25 2024
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