Altru Ideas

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Make group sale reservation available for online sale (and also allow deposit payment)

We are wanting to be able to let our constituents make their reservations (for Group Sales such as Fieldtrips, birthday parties, etc) online and not require a callback from us or a visit to the museum to make the deposit.
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  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Katarina Stojakovic commented
    June 27, 2024 08:23

    It would be amazing if we could get an online form for interested patrons to fill out (with details such as date they are interested in, time, number of guests in the party/field trip, additional comments and reqeuests), to send the inquiry to our team so we can review, confirm and send a link to a payment page (so they can pay with a cc without us having to collect their cc number). Once confirmed the event could go to the Org calendar as scheduled (in a different color form those that are just inquiries). We are currently using another system to collect inquiries and that is time (and money) consuming.

  • Guest commented
    June 18, 2024 21:34

    Being able to take online payment would make my job easier and would make having to use Altru not as frustrating!

  • Guest commented
    April 03, 2024 18:35

    It's been over 8 years since this has been posted. When are we going to be able to offer online payments to clients for Group Sales!!!!

  • Jenny Smith commented
    December 06, 2023 20:02

    Why is online reservations still not an option in 2023? The price tag for Altru is entirely too high to not be able to meet the basic needs for many of the organizations that use Altru. This one suggestion (and who knows how many similar ones are out there) was submitted in 2016 and nothing has been updated!

    We have been forced to create work arounds that not only adds an unnecessary expense but additional labor cost that could easily be reduced.

  • Susan Griffin commented
    October 31, 2023 21:15

    Whats the status on this? Your clients have been asking since 2016?

  • Olivia Edlund commented
    May 08, 2023 16:10

    We spend A LOT of time trying to call people for group sales deposits and payments. Being able to send an online link where they can pay would save us a lot of time. As others have mentioned, it is also more secure and people expect that we will have the functionality to do that.

  • Kate Knospe commented
    April 19, 2023 04:07

    This functionality would be incredibly helpful. It is extremely inconvenient and cumbersome to take payments over the phone, and it is an expectation of our clients that they will be able to pay online.

  • Kindell Williams commented
    July 22, 2022 17:38

    This functionality is very much needed. Taking cards over the phone is a very inefficient, insecure, and antiquated way to process group sales order/events.

    And when we ask for cc over the phone it is a clear reflection that we are using an antiquated system to process our accounts. Altru needs to move with the times or it becomes the dinosaur in the room.

  • Christopher Stuart commented
    May 05, 2022 16:02

    Heres an idea we use?

    Hi Chris,

    Most definitely, they can do a hosted payment page link. They would create the hosted pay,ent page and the information that want on it, then send that link to the group members.

    They can also do a Gateway with Recurring Billing, that way when the group is due to pay, it will bill the card on file.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, otherwise have a great day!

    All the best,



    4021 N 75th St Ste 101
    Scottsdale, AZ 85251

    Phone: 800.396.0246 EXT. 84

    Fax: 800.339.7068

  • Holly Finneran commented
    April 29, 2022 16:56

    This is very important for us, we NEED a way to process payments for Groups that does not involve talking on the phone. It has become very inconvenient for our groups to have to call up to make a payment, as our employees are also outside working with the onsite groups as well.

  • Mary Shvodian commented
    April 26, 2022 00:16

    This is extremely important to us as we need a way to process payments via credit card that is PCI compliant. We may have to look at a different system for our events that run through the group sales. I already know (and love) a system out there that would do this...

  • Guest commented
    February 04, 2021 23:58

    It looks like this has been on the suggestion board for five years now. Any word on if it will be available? We were dismayed to find out this was not a feature as we had discussed this during our sales meetings. Please respond.

  • Guest commented
    July 24, 2020 14:34

    I thought there would be a way to seamlessly do online field trip bookings but I do not see a function for it? This is something that would make our lives easier

  • Allison Trice commented
    June 22, 2020 19:51

    Online Group Reservations and online deposit payments would be brilliant!

  • Breanne Leach commented
    May 26, 2020 18:19

    Given the current COVID crisis, this has become even more crucial with so many of us working from home (and unavailable at our office phone numbers to receive phone payments).

  • Guest commented
    October 03, 2019 14:52

    We want to use the webform to create a scheduling platform for our patrons (teachers mainly) to make reservations request for tours and be able to see what dates and times are available. Then we can cross check with our education staff and easily confirm the hold on Altru once finalized. 

  • Guest commented
    April 16, 2019 15:17

    Kelly R. I'm curious what workarounds you are using? 

  • Kelley R commented
    November 26, 2018 20:55

    Yet another obvious functionality omitted from Altru for no obvious reason beyond ignorance of institutional needs. This feature is badly needed.

    We have built workarounds that allow us to sell birthday parties online and take online payment for group visit, but that is down to our own ingenuity and persistence, not any support from Blackbaud, and workarounds are -- by definition -- less efficient than an integrated solution would be. 

  • Guest commented
    July 23, 2018 15:50

    Yes, this is an important addition and will greatly improve customer service and security compliance.

  • Guest commented
    July 23, 2018 15:34

    This is essential for security compliance and operational efficiency.

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