Altru Ideas

Allow discounts to apply to combinations

We bundle events together all the time. We are a garden, so gardens admission is either included with or required alongside all our special events. For example, we have a mansion on property, with an added charge for a home tour. Gardens admission is required to get to the house, but the house is extra.

But there are coupons we advertise that are only valid on what we call "Combo Admission," which is gardens + mansion. In order to get these discounts to work, our front gate has to charge the general and house admission as separate items. They can't use the combination the way our online sales work, which is very nice.

In addition to coupons, our members receive free gardens admission (up to the benefits of their particular membership), so their gardens admission is discounted 100% for the first x limit (based on their member level). But these automatic discounts do not apply to combinations either. Members also receive a 10% discount to most special events, so if I were to sell special events as a combination event + admission, their discount won't work.

It all just leads to lots of round-a-bout ways of doing things... unless we could apply discounts on top of combinations. I understand not everyone will want this, so I suggest it be implemented as a check box when editing a discount... "☑ Allow this discount to apply to combination items?"

  • Randall Rupert
  • Aug 31 2017
  • Reviewed
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