Altru Ideas

We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.

Moving unearned revenue to earned revenue on day group is checked-in, not on first day of reservation

We use group sales for tour groups, facility rentals, private events, etc. Because one cannot make any changes to a reservation after it is checked in, we often "check-in" reservations after the fact, to be sure we don't need to make any changes. This has caused problems with accounting because our accounting team closes out the sales after each day and, currently, Altru dates the move from unearned revenue to earned revenue on the first day of the reservation, not the day it was checked in.

For example, if someone wants to rent a space on June 1, but we don't check them in until June 5, the revenue would show that it moved from unearned to earned on June 1, which is already closed out, not on June 5, when the group is checked-in. 

Our accounting team has been missing this revenue because it is essentially back-dated, therefore, I think revenue should move from unearned to earned on the day the group is checked in and not default to the first day of the reservation.

  • Kate Pasch
  • Jul 31 2019
Customer references Database Administrator
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    • Breanne Leach commented
      January 02, 2020 18:46

      Yes! It would also be extremely helpful to be able to map different unearned revenue sources (as our facility rentals and group sales funnel through different deferred revenue accounts).