Altru Ideas

Add the option of combining Receipt and Acknowledgement Email

Constituents who register for our events are often confused since their first ("receipt") email includes a link to the e-ticket-which we do not use, and the second ("acknowledgment") email has our customized ticket details and instructions. It will be helpful if the option to not send the "receipt" email or provide the option to not send the "receipt" email when the acknowledgement is enabled.

  • JFG Programs
  • Apr 28 2020
  • Attach files
  • Meghan Kelly commented
    May 18, 2020 16:21

    Most definitely seconded. I use up uncountable staff hours dealing with the high percentage of people who never read/lost/ignored the acknowledgement email and are very unhappy when we have to spend a couple of minutes retrieving their tickets or registration.

    It doesn't sound like a lot, but two minutes per patron group multiplied by 15% of a 1,000 person event is a huge problem.