Altru Ideas

Online Order Email Automatically Set to Primary

We are currently attempting to switch some of our invitation mailings over to email invites for lower level members. In our first attempt we had 180 bounced email and we are now calling our constituents to get updated email address for all. 

We have had a great response to this outreach, but we have discovered something:

We already had most of these updated email address in our system! How?
If a constituent made a recent online purchase with a more current email address, it was in their record, but because it was not set to primary, it did not pull in our query. 

The difficult solution to this issue would be to check all online orders and if a new email was used, manually set it to primary. As part of "new year new me" I am trying to work smarter instead of working harder so I am hoping there is another way. haha

Is there a way to have an email updated with an online order automatically set to primary as long as ALTRU does not create a duplicate record?

Updated email addresses are incredibly valuable and I want to make sure we have a smart process in place. 
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  • Jan 4 2016
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