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Membership card expiration & membership expiration should be the same

We're having an issue with expiration dates on membership cards: if we manually change a constituent's membership expiration date after entering a membership dues batch but before printing the membership cards, the old, unedited expir date still prints on the cards. Any idea why, and how to fix the issue?
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Laura Schmid commented
    August 10, 2017 15:16

    Yes! I've seen this problem too! I've noticed it when I merge duplicate records. Scenario is this:

    Someone buys a membership online. They are renewing a membership and they are renewing a month early. It doesn't connect to their original record a duplicate record is created (which happens often). We find the dupe records and merge them. Problem is the person bought new membership a month early. So when we merge the dupe records, the membership expiration date updates correctly to a new 13 month membership while the cards issued expiration date still retains the 12 month expiration date created during the online transaction. It would make sense if these two fields were connected so if the membership expiration date updates, so would the card expiration date.

    To manage this problem, we run a query for cards we want to print. I output both membership expiration dates and card expiration dates. I sort the dates for both columns in such a way that if they don't match, they show in the output pretty easily. It's an extra step but a necessary one to prevent an angry cutomer!

  • Guest commented
    September 09, 2016 19:16

    I like that solution!

  • Guest commented
    March 30, 2016 17:45

    I understand why some may prefer to have the original expiration date show on the membership card, for historical reasons (if that card had been printed, you want the record to match the printed card).

    however, if that card has not been printed yet, there is no reason to keep the historical expiration date. If some still need that record with the membership card section, perhaps the unused membership card (with the invalid expiration date) could be automatically cancelled, and a new card created with the accurate date.

    this may even be a good option for cards that have already been printed. When my institution changes an expiration date, we nearly always reprint the membership card. When the expiration date is manually changed for an existing membership, perhaps the cards reflecting the invalid expiration date could be cancelled and a new card issued.

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