Altru Ideas

Field Validation tied to Registration on Webforms

It would be really nice if the validation of fields – especially birthdate – could be tied to program registration.

For example, we have a camp where 4 year olds can only register for a half-day. However, 5 year olds can register for a half-day or a full-day. By typing in the child's birthdate, the purchasing options should be limited for that particular registrant. But, keep in mind that someone could registrar two children -- one a 4 year old and one a 5 year old -- so it would have to be specific to the registrant, not the entire order.

  • Shannon Knight
  • May 2 2016
  • Reviewed
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 04, 2016 18:22

    for membership webforms, we have an extra month promotion for those that renew before their expiration. It would be helpful if the promotion was only valid for active members.