Altru Ideas

Add an alert when you are exporting more than 100,000 records into Excel

Do you know how long I went without knowing about this export limit? Because of the lack of reports in Altru, I do most of my work in Excel. I had no idea there was a limit until a few months ago, and now we know much our past reporting has been way off. This is very frustrating.  

  • Gillian Armstrong
  • Mar 23 2017
  • Reviewed
  • Attach files
  • Adam Raimond commented
    June 13, 2017 13:56

    Same here. The worst part is there is no warning or mention of the export limit within Altru or its support pages. I finally ran a full year report and realized my revenue totals were under-reporting by hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

    Please make this happen.