Altru Ideas

Apply membership-based discounts to online sale orders regardless of whether or not constituant is signed in.

Often a constituant will sign up and pay for a pre-registered program with a membership-based automatic discount online, fill out all the correct personal registration information, but NOT sign in to our site (despite clear language indicating that they need to sign-in to recieve their discount). Because the constituant has filled in the same info on the registration form that's in our system, the correct constituent becomes registered for the pre-registered program (no duplicate records are created), but their membership-based discount is not applied. If Altru has the ability to deduce that the constituent signing up is the same one in our system, without them having to sign-in, they should also be able to apply the automatic membership-base discount. 

  • Nick Gaffney
  • Feb 3 2020
  • Attach files