Altru Ideas

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Need Altru to be able to stack multiple discounts

We need an option in Altru to support multiple automatic discounts. For example, we have membership discount on just about everything. We also have quantity discounts. We set up both as automatic discounts in Altru. Right now, Altru only applies one discount.

Here is an example: If someone books the overnight caboose experience for two nights they get a discount. If a member books the overnight for two nights they get both the quantity discount and the member discount. If a non-member books the same experience, they only get the multiple-night discount.

We do not see any way around being able to use Altru for our programs if it does not give us the option of applying all the automatic discounts that the order would be entitled to.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Abbie Stevens commented
    July 24, 2024 18:13

    Is this functionality available yet? It's been 8 years!!

  • T. Rash commented
    March 14, 2019 15:19

    We give a $10 discount for military. We do not take that discount away -- if we are offering something else it is an additional promotion. For example, if people renew before the end of March they get an extra month for free. Military people should get the extra month AND the $10 off.  The work around is to change the expiration date and make a comment, but this does not cause it to show up in reports as to why we did that.

  • Guest commented
    November 20, 2018 22:10

    Our members need to see the discounts they are receiving. Being able to stack multiple discounts will show our guests how much we appreciate them. 

  • Nancy Noppenberger commented
    July 02, 2018 18:38

    I like this idea! Please keep it moving toward implementation.

    Nancy Noppenberger

  • Hiroki Ogawa commented
    July 02, 2018 18:18

    It is not a clean solution but we utilize two different prices one for a member(that has the member discount built in) and a normal one for non-members.

  • Guest commented
    August 11, 2017 18:28

    This would be helpful in membership promotions, also. There are specific times that more than one promotion needs to be used in Daily Sales

  • Guest commented
    April 25, 2017 22:04

    I agree with the folks below- we need the functionality of creating more than one discount through Altru.  We are starting an App with beacons.  Through those beacons we can set rewards.  We would like to reward folks for multiple discounts on top of their membership discount, as well as other discounts through the season.

  • Randall Rupert commented
    March 21, 2017 14:46

    Right now, the way around this is to setup another, more advanced, automatic quantity discount that applies to your particular program AND membership levels.

    If you have a four-concert series costing $25 each with $10-off if you buy all four, but members receive 10% off automatically... then you would set up one quantity-based automatic discount to apply $19 off for every four tickets sold to a member.

    Altru already chooses the best discount available (instead of stacking them) so members will receive their proper price.

    The only problem with this: Altru will also apply this discount if one person buys four tickets to the same concert. One member going to all four concerts will receive the same price as four members going to one concert. May not be a problem, but might be structured differently than organizations are accustomed to.

  • Sadie Brown commented
    September 06, 2016 22:40

    We absolutely need this function as well! I cannot tell you how many times we have had to partially refund our patrons because they did not receive both discounts as advertised. Not good for staff time or credit card fees! Please update this, Altru!

  • Lydia commented
    August 18, 2016 17:31

    We really need to have this functionality.  It's illogical that our patrons wouldn't be able to take advantage of more than one deal per transaction.  It's clumsy and embarrassing.

  • Bree Leggett commented
    February 09, 2016 14:14

    We are also in need of being able to use more than one discount through ALTRU!  This fix would very helpful to us and save us so much time.

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