Altru Ideas

Ability to report on mid-term upgrades

We would love to see mid-term upgrades as their own action, just like Join, Renew, Upgrade & Downgrade so that we can report on how many members decided to upgrade while they were still in an active level.

If this was a separate action, it would show separately in reports & query. We also would like to send separate membership cards to these people. We would like to be able to filter on just mid-term upgraders and send them a special thank you.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Laura Schmid commented
    January 29, 2020 19:37

    YES YES YES please Altru! Please add midterm upgrade as it's own action!


    I also need to generate a special acknowledgement letter for a midterm upgrade.  I've created a clumsy workaround for this. I've trained my staff to add "midterm upgrade" to the comment box during the membership transaction. Then my acknowledgement queries either include or exclude transactions that have a comment with the word "midterm." It works but my team sometimes forgets. And then if they misspell the word or add a hyphen, it won't work. Definitely too much room for error. Midterm upgrade should be an action in itself!

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