Altru Ideas

Advance Sale Ticket Process automation idea

Automated Process Idea by Jeff Flynn:

Devendra has developed a very good advance ticket solution.
However, it can be improved and automated, I would think pretty easily.

Here‰Ûªs the process:

Set up advance sale tickets out of daily sales

Direct the gl to go to a separate deferred
account in our gl

Admissions can sell the ticket at the
counter,  on a boca printer

System tracks valid tickets

We are making these a ‰ÛÏredeem until‰Û item ‰ÛÒ
meaning we will sell them with a set expiration date

When redeemed, admissions presses ‰ÛÏscan ticket‰Û
button,  the ticket is scanned, which voids it

The admission person puts in a credit for the
ticket price in as an ‰ÛÏother payment‰Û method

They then ring in a sale of a ticket ‰ÛÒ this
increments attendance, and credits revenue

Finance will need to reclass the ‰ÛÏother payment‰Û
method to debit the deferred revenue account

At expiration, tickets need to be manually
voided, and then reclassed out of GL


The process appears to be solid. However, with just a
LITTLE work you can automate the entire process (CHANGES

1)      Set
up advance sale tickets out of daily sales

2)      Direct
the gl to go to a separate deferred account in our gl

3)      Admissions
can sell the ticket at the counter,  on a boca printer (would be helpful to have a little more control/area for

4)      System
tracks valid tickets (have system track both valid
tickets as well as price sold)

5)      We
are making these a ‰ÛÏredeem until‰Û item ‰ÛÒ meaning we will sell them with a set
expiration date

6)      When
redeemed, admissions presses ‰ÛÏscan ticket‰Û button the ticket is scanned, which
voids it
Change this so the ticket can be directly
scanned without hitting a button, and it pops up the credit, relieves
the amount from the valid tickets list, and charges this to the deferred gl

7)      The
admission person puts in a credit for the ticket price in as an ‰ÛÏother payment‰Û

8)      They
then ring in a sale of a ticket ‰ÛÒ this increments attendance, and credits

9)      Finance
will need to reclass the ‰ÛÏother payment‰Û method to debit the deferred revenue
(system will do the accounting, and have a
priced  audit list of valid tickets

10)   At expiration, tickets need to be manually
voided, and then reclassed out of GL
(Finance can trigger a routine that searches for expired
tickets, voids them and produces a list with pricing for voided tickets)


If the system has a good audit trail, multiple types of
deferred tickets could be run thru the one account.

We are also trying to do hotel passes ‰ÛÒ a few differences:

They are sold at a discount

We typically invoice for these ‰ÛÒ and need an
invoicing feature (note these are typically handled by group sales, but #3
makes us need, for now, to handle as a daily sales item(

They will however, have a set expiration date vs
a set attendance date still


We are not sure if we can format different ticket formats
(ie different wording for hotel versus advance sale versus combo tickets).
Also, without a good audit system, we would set up multiple deferred accounts
for tracking.

I do believe though that the changes above give Altru a
truly automated advanced sales capacity ‰ÛÒ and one we definitely could use.

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  • Jan 4 2016
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