Altru Ideas

Series Pricing - Splitting up Discounts by Price Types

We have a lot of series packages (buy all 4 lectures and get a discount etc.). The problem is we have different amounts or percent‰Ûªs off at each price level. It‰Ûªs not a set amount or percent across the board.

Example: we currently have a lecture series and if you buy all 9 lectures the price is $120 non-member, $90 Member & $45 senior, student & military.

With the way the system is set up we had to do $3 off each ticket, even though

members should be $2 off each ticket and non-members should be $1.60 off each ticket.

Non-Members are now selling for $108 (instead of $120, loss of $12 for each package sold)

Members for $81 (instead of $90, loss of $8 for each package sold)

Military & College for $45 (as advertised, no loss)

thanks for considering spliting up discounts for each price type
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Reviewed
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  • Randall Rupert commented
    March 31, 2017 17:37

    But I'm voting this up even though it's not planned. Hopefully Altru will reconsider.

  • Randall Rupert commented
    March 31, 2017 17:36

    Unfortunately, Altru sees this as an unnecessary request. You would be required to set a separate discount entry for each variation, and those discounts will apply the proper combined discount only to their specified programs, only to their specified price types, and only to members of a specified level.

    Requires a heck of a lot of "sibling discount sets" instead of one variable discount.

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