Altru Ideas

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One-off Acknowledgment Letters from Payment Record

I'm sure this is somewhere within the blog, but it would be extremely helpful if we could one-off acknowledgment letters from the actual payment page-- (i.e. in Raisers Edge, when you are entering a gift, you can choose the letter and pull up the document while you are actually working on the record). Then, the document and letter that are used can be seen on the individual payment record for historical purposes, and can easily be referred back to what particular letter was sent.
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  • Jan 4 2016
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  • Laura Schmid commented
    February 06, 2021 19:14

    I figured out a work-around for this. I consulted Blackbaud staff on a way to do this and someone referred me to the Letter Templates Library and setting up Letters there that mirror my acknowledgments. Then when you need to do a "one-off letter" you can go to the constituent's record and "Write letter from template" under the task menu, then choose whichever letter you need to print one of. This has been a life-saver for us for returned mail with wrong addresses that need to be generated weeks after the letter was originally generated from acknowledgements. I highly recommend working with BB Support to set this up for your needs.

    But I agree - BB should implement a one-off acknowledgment as you suggest. The work-around we had to create to accomplish this need was complicated. It shouldn't be that difficult. An intuitive easy solution should be built into the system.

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