Altru Ideas

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Print one-off acknowledgement letter from constituent record

Although most of our acknowledgement letters are printed in bulk, the most time consuming and headache-inducing are the one-off letters.

As a solution, Jen created a query that specifies an individual person that I upload into the acknowledgement letter. I have to first edit the query in the information library, then upload the query into the acknowledgement letter, print the letter, and then switch the query in the letter back to the standard query. This is so time consuming that I have been neglecting to use Altru for one-off acknowledgement letters. Not using Altru for the letters creates other issues, though--the constituent is then marked as unacknowledged, and is still printed in the batch.

This would be much easier if there was a way to print an acknowledgement letter right from the constituent record. Even easier--if there was a line under the constituent's membership cards that said "print acknowledgement letter", with a drop down menu for the options for acknowledgement letters. The acknowledgement letters should still follow the same defaults set in the bulk acknowledgement section (perhaps minus the query). If an acknowledgement letter has already been printed for this membership, the line would grey out or perhaps the line would lock to show which acknowledgement letter was printed and on what date.

This would also be a helpful feature for donations. In the meantime, we do word merges for one-off donations and use the acknowledgement for the year-end receipt.

I also think it would be helpful to have a copy of the acknowledgement letter available in the "Documentation and Interactions" or "Communications" tab. It would be helpful to be able to edit one-off acknowledgement letters before this copy is saved into this section.

  • Guest
  • Mar 30 2016
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    • Laura Schmid commented
      February 06, 2021 19:11

      I figured out a work-around for this. I consulted Blackbaud staff on a way to do this and someone referred me to the Letter Templates Library and setting up Letters there that mirror my acknowledgments. Then when you need to do a "one-off letter" you can go to the constituent's record and "Write letter from template" under the task menu, then choose whichever letter you need to print one of. This has been a life-saver for us for returned mail with wrong addresses that need to be generated weeks after the letter was generated from acknowledgements. I highly recommend working with BB Support to set this up for your needs.