Altru Ideas

Recognize Constituent When They Give Membership as a Gift

I would really love it if Altru had a place to recognize that a constituent gave a membership as a gift. It has all their orders, so if you were looking specifically for it you would be able to find it, but otherwise, it is not readily apparent. On the recipient's page, however, it has the little gift box, which is really nice as a quick identification.
  • Guest
  • Jan 4 2016
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  • T. Rash commented
    August 11, 2017 14:35

    We also have this problem. I had a lady call and want to know which families she gave memberships to last year (there were six of them.) As she varies the memberships she purchases among 20-25 different families, there was not an easy way to look at her account and tell her the answer. It would be logical to have a tab under the memberships header that had that information. Or another logical place would be if you could click on the detail tab of the revenue history. It would put them all in a logical place without having to go into each individual gift.

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