We value your unique insight into our products and services and often receive ideas and feedback from our community in a variety of ways. To streamline this process, we’ve created an idea bank where you can post product suggestions, vote for those most important to you, and add comments to existing ideas.
We have a "comments" section on our online donation form, where donors can add a tribute or details on how they want their donation used. When we get an email alert indicating that we received an online donation, I think any associated comments should be included in the email alert. Otherwise, the only way we know if there were any directives from the donor is to go to the specific gift record, click on the documentation tab, and see if there is a note present.
Please add this! Donors often use this field to give details on what their gift is truly for, so seeing that together with other giving info in an Alert is so important! Not even knowing there is a comment can mean incorrect acknowledgements are generated or revenue isn't tracked correctly.
Please add online donor notes to our Altru email alerts
Please include this feature!
add online donor notes to our Altru email alerts
Vital for finding important notes from our donors regarding where/what their donations pertain to!!
This was also requested in April 2016 - comment titled: "Notes from Online Donation in the Email Alert". My org would use this function every week. Running a query to see the comments is an unnecessary extra step - the comments should be included in the alert emails. This would make record keeping so much less messy as well.
Similar to this idea: https://altru.ideas.aha.io/ideas/ALTRU-I-1252
I agree!